Humans are the species with towering complexity and their interaction, actively or passively with any other system, remains complex too. The most important reason for this complexity is an incredibly variable way in which humans assign value to their experiences. Even for the same assignment and/or experience the meaning and/or interpretation varies, primarily due to the unique ability of humans to interpret in their own way and secondarily due to the preconceived notions and directions set by the society.
the complex nature of human system and their dynamic interaction with various
components of society like family, friends, relationship and people surrounding
them it becomes difficult at times to decide whether the individual humans are
really in
Although in certain instances and/or at some stage in life we may give the steering to some other person yet we ought to understand that we are the real drivers behind the wheel of our life. Since the car we drive has a marked semblance with the life that we live, a very close corollary can be driven between the two. The car in general represents the external features like body, personality and everything else that makes up the presence of an individual, the person who drives and controls the steering represents the soul, mind or being and the movement, reactions and progress through its drive represent the progress in the journey of life. If the car (human being) is well maintained and the person inside (mind) has sound judgment, the overall drive (journey of life) can be fun and enjoyable. On the contrary, if the car (human body) is left to rot and not taken care of, the person inside (brain) is sleepy and unwell, an accident (disease) is inevitable.
Apart from the car, even various sorts of terrains that come across while driving also have a correlation with different aspects of life. In fact, these terrains teach us various lessons in life and guide us to learn, grow and become better in every walk of it. The potholes on road are akin to obstacles on day to day basis in life and teach us that these obstacles are extrinsic in nature and rather than being overly concerned about them, it is better to slow down, swerve and move on smoothly. Similarly, the traffic jam that happens most often on road reminds us of the fact that all the obstacle in life are transitory and never long-lasting. As getting stuck in a jam can be avoided by leaving early and avoid driving in rush hour on weekdays, lots of obstacles in life can be avoided by being disciplined and calculative about the management of time. At times, despite all such measures we still get stuck up in traffic of life and are unable to move forward or backward. The best way to combat is to enjoy that stillness by listening to music, appreciate other vehicles and meditate in whatever way one can.
As we have people behind the wheel of a car, we have the pillions and passengers in our life too, who have an unstated yet strong belief in our abilities. This belief puts an additional responsibility upon us and directs us to work for the safety of our co passengers even if it means sacrificing our own personal interests. The way we accelerate slower, turn even more smoothly and brake well in time to ensure safety of our co passengers, in life too we work with dedication and honesty to ensure the well being of our family and friends. Similarly, the signals on the road help us to slow down, change our perspective, make us appreciate the open stretches and more importantly, reminds us of the fact that life is not at all about the rat race.
Many a times we see the people randomly crossing the road without looking or turn around without signalling or break traffic rules. The same way certain people in our life too, known or unknown, act in a manner or say certain things that does not go well with us. Here we need to understand that it does not matter what someone thinks, says or does but what matters is our own reaction and the effect of extrinsic factors on our demeanour. Since perception and perspective can make or break relation the best thing to do is, to let go off our own ego and continue with the drive till we reach to your destination unfazed.
In nutshell, be it a car or be it a life, we need to be our own drivers, take care of our body, mind and soul, be thoughtful about co-passengers, take care of them and presume that all roads are nice. All this is possible if we know how to manoeuvre with dexterity, trust other beings, enjoy the benefits of responsibility, let go at times and try not to judge everyone with one single yardstick.
Dr. Pawan Suri
Director & Chief Cardiologist
email: psuricardio@gmail.com
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